it's late now, and things come to me in tongues, favorite words and some others never once said.
strange how things come into place, unconjured.
strange how they come in the middle of the night or some other familiar place and, like the big bad wolf, dare us to get there faster. and we know better, because we were warned by the ones who love us, as not to accept anything, and keep to the trail.
and we know better, but we are cowards, traitors to ourselves. and (because)we once knew happiness.
i break again and again from the realm of normality that was never my home. My safe haven is unbalanced, or just temporary. that is a sure thing. what moves me is what i cannot have, knowing that this is why i want it the most.
i am all taste, mouth and saliva and tongue, all hands, all skin, all eyes and ears. i am this wanting that.