Life is so amazingly funny. Just funny. I'm playing "Dr Ruth" with my friends but frankly we are all too grown up for this. No dr can answer my questions. It's fun though. Need to set my agenda in order. To reset it. Control- alt (alternative)- delete. That's a simple answer. Task Managment in action. Abracadabra.
Sex and love, and love and loneliness and so on and so sexually alone and so fuckin' alone!! Not the same thing at all. Trying not to think of it too much or too often. Safer that way. I have much to think about the victorian garden-suburn, books and computers, cash-flow, jobs in boarding-schools, workshops in Lisbon, movies and film and bibliography, indoor painting and how-not-to-mess-my head-any-more-than-it-is.
things to do, places to go, people to see. The wizard of oz: if i only had a little bit of wisdom...